Hello lab-fans! Here's my homage to the beach scene from the film '10'.... I think the frisbee adds a certain something....
I'm ready for my close-up now...
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
And another thing
I'm only 39.4 KGs
How much of a super slim fast dog am I!!!
Bella out.
Sausages to dream of...
How much of a super slim fast dog am I!!!
Bella out.
Sausages to dream of...
Hello again
Hi there, I can't believe how long it is since my last blog. My fool owner keeps forgetting to upload videos he's taken and I so want to show you what has been going on!!!
Anyway, will update you more in a bit but as a taster, I have mainly been;
Having a weekend away in Somerset.
Going to Cornwall.
Meeting a trainer person.
Doing aqua therapy.
Eating crab apples.
Meeting His nephews. They are even more noisy than me!
Being trained (at least what He calls training - ha ha ha)
Chewing carrot.
Discovering my love of joint care sticks.
Visiting the vet after a 30 second limp (and getting more than I bargained for!)
Lots of walking.
Meeting new doggy friends.
Deciding I quite like some of the humans in the common too!!!
Back with pics, vids and info soon.
Bella out.
Sleeping to do.
Anyway, will update you more in a bit but as a taster, I have mainly been;
Having a weekend away in Somerset.
Going to Cornwall.
Meeting a trainer person.
Doing aqua therapy.
Eating crab apples.
Meeting His nephews. They are even more noisy than me!
Being trained (at least what He calls training - ha ha ha)
Chewing carrot.
Discovering my love of joint care sticks.
Visiting the vet after a 30 second limp (and getting more than I bargained for!)
Lots of walking.
Meeting new doggy friends.
Deciding I quite like some of the humans in the common too!!!
Back with pics, vids and info soon.
Bella out.
Sleeping to do.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
New Doggy Friends
One thing I forgot to tell you yesterday...
About a week ago THEY had some people round. Well, I wasn't sure about these new commers so I decided to mainly bark at them.
Then we all went for a walk so I guess they weren't all bad.
But when we got half way round our walk we met Romma and Poppy. They were two very skinny labs indeed. And they were very energetic.
They came rushing up to me from out of the sun and I was a little startled.
You can't be too careful in these sorts of situations.
And they jumped up and ran around and were really very friendly.
I think HE knew their owner cos he went over to them and chatted, while they all threw the ball for me (and Romma and Poppy) to chase. I did bark at the a bit, just in case they were troublesome - got to let them know whose boss.
Well Romma was a bit dumb and kept running off to somewhere different from where the ball got thrown (never catch me doing that - ha ha), but was pretty fast for a skinny thing.
Poppy, being only a baby (10 months I think) couldn't keep up with my greyhound like speeds, though did have a bit of a habit of grabbing the ball out of my mouth once I had got it.
Really - no manners. I was a bit surprised the first time, but subsequently kept hold of it - can't let the young'uns have it all their own way!!!
Anyway, after a lot of chasing and running we all had a good sit/lie down well THEY all chatted their gibber-jabber nonsense.
I think I like them - hope I'll see them soon.
Their master was a bit poorly - a tree, a mower, an accident, ear hanging off, intensive care. No idea what any of those words mean but they sound serious. They are staying with his parents for now so I'm sure they are being well loved while he gets better.
Woof for him to mend...
Bella out
Gotta go think about my lovely mat/rug thingy some more.
About a week ago THEY had some people round. Well, I wasn't sure about these new commers so I decided to mainly bark at them.
Then we all went for a walk so I guess they weren't all bad.
But when we got half way round our walk we met Romma and Poppy. They were two very skinny labs indeed. And they were very energetic.
They came rushing up to me from out of the sun and I was a little startled.
You can't be too careful in these sorts of situations.
And they jumped up and ran around and were really very friendly.
I think HE knew their owner cos he went over to them and chatted, while they all threw the ball for me (and Romma and Poppy) to chase. I did bark at the a bit, just in case they were troublesome - got to let them know whose boss.
Well Romma was a bit dumb and kept running off to somewhere different from where the ball got thrown (never catch me doing that - ha ha), but was pretty fast for a skinny thing.
Poppy, being only a baby (10 months I think) couldn't keep up with my greyhound like speeds, though did have a bit of a habit of grabbing the ball out of my mouth once I had got it.
Really - no manners. I was a bit surprised the first time, but subsequently kept hold of it - can't let the young'uns have it all their own way!!!
Anyway, after a lot of chasing and running we all had a good sit/lie down well THEY all chatted their gibber-jabber nonsense.
I think I like them - hope I'll see them soon.
Their master was a bit poorly - a tree, a mower, an accident, ear hanging off, intensive care. No idea what any of those words mean but they sound serious. They are staying with his parents for now so I'm sure they are being well loved while he gets better.
Woof for him to mend...
Bella out
Gotta go think about my lovely mat/rug thingy some more.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
My Mat

HE finally worked out that I DO NOT LIKE BEAN BAGS ONE LITTLE BIT.
And HE got me a lovely new mat to lye on.
It's a bit squishy, but not too deep, nice and fluffy, smells good, and great for sleeping on.
He doesn't let me sleep on it overnight - that would be lovely - HE's SO mean!
Still - at least he's doing something right!
Check it out...
PS It's also got my lovely red, squishy ball in the foreground.
And HIS foot - getting in on my photos - so cheeky!
Bella out - balls to dream of...
So much to tell you
I know - it's been ages!!!
Well I've lots to tell you and no time to do it here so I thought I'd try and give you a quick catch up...
The day THEY left me!
Well the weekend THEY left me to be more precise. How could they.
Although the couple they left me with - THE OTHERS - smelt a lot like HIM.
And they left me in my house so that's not so bad.
were quite nice, but not nice enough o escape a good barking for a day or so...
I think THEY went on ho9liday - WITHOUT ME!!!! How could THEY?
HE called THE OTHERS Mum and Dad - silly names. But they were nice. Dad walked me and fed me and all that stuff so I decided that in HIS absence I would become Dad's new best friend. I was very sure to make sure I was as near to him at all times as possible.
I get the feeling he might be more of a discipliner than HIM (HE's such a pushover!) but he let me off easy.
THE OTHERS even kept a diary of what I got up to - I think they think my barking at other people might be a bit much.
I only want to say hello. Loudly. When I'm a bit scared, and overexcited. What's the harm in that.
Then THEY came back. I kind of thought they might be leaving me, it's happened before... But THEY didn't.
So I gave HIM and HER the biggest bottom waggle pleased to see you I could muster.
They better not go off again or there WILL be trouble!
Me and the River!
Turns out I quite like rivers.
And there's video to prove it!
I'll post it up when I get a chance.
Proving a bi tricky to operate the phone to download it - the buttons are so small for big paddy paws...
Superstar Diet Goddess!
I went back to the vets and after sitting on the funny cold metal platform HE was super pleased and said I had lost a whole kilogram.
I don't know where I lost it - probably in the common, but the balls I have been finding probably even up the score.
I think HE wants me to keep losing a kilogram every month.
Better keep looking or more balls to replace all these funny kilogram things.
Dreaming of Red Balls!
I found a ball in the common.
Lots and lots and lots and lots and lots...
It is red.
And squishy.
And bouncy.
And spikey.
And I like to take it on walks with me.
And then HE throws it for me.
It is A LOT of fun.
I'll take a photo of it to show you. You'll be SOOOOOOO jealous.
Tummy rub wake me up!
Well - I'll just have to show you the vid for this when I get a chance to upload it.
I have got HIM eating out of my hand.
Or rather coming down first thing in the morning and doing just exactly what I want - giving me attention.
Other dogs - look and learn!
Bella out.
Time to have another nice mid morning nap before he gets home to bother me.
Well I've lots to tell you and no time to do it here so I thought I'd try and give you a quick catch up...
The day THEY left me!
Well the weekend THEY left me to be more precise. How could they.
Although the couple they left me with - THE OTHERS - smelt a lot like HIM.
And they left me in my house so that's not so bad.
were quite nice, but not nice enough o escape a good barking for a day or so...
I think THEY went on ho9liday - WITHOUT ME!!!! How could THEY?
HE called THE OTHERS Mum and Dad - silly names. But they were nice. Dad walked me and fed me and all that stuff so I decided that in HIS absence I would become Dad's new best friend. I was very sure to make sure I was as near to him at all times as possible.
I get the feeling he might be more of a discipliner than HIM (HE's such a pushover!) but he let me off easy.
THE OTHERS even kept a diary of what I got up to - I think they think my barking at other people might be a bit much.
I only want to say hello. Loudly. When I'm a bit scared, and overexcited. What's the harm in that.
Then THEY came back. I kind of thought they might be leaving me, it's happened before... But THEY didn't.
So I gave HIM and HER the biggest bottom waggle pleased to see you I could muster.
They better not go off again or there WILL be trouble!
Me and the River!
Turns out I quite like rivers.
And there's video to prove it!
I'll post it up when I get a chance.
Proving a bi tricky to operate the phone to download it - the buttons are so small for big paddy paws...
Superstar Diet Goddess!
I went back to the vets and after sitting on the funny cold metal platform HE was super pleased and said I had lost a whole kilogram.
I don't know where I lost it - probably in the common, but the balls I have been finding probably even up the score.
I think HE wants me to keep losing a kilogram every month.
Better keep looking or more balls to replace all these funny kilogram things.
Dreaming of Red Balls!
I found a ball in the common.
Lots and lots and lots and lots and lots...
It is red.
And squishy.
And bouncy.
And spikey.
And I like to take it on walks with me.
And then HE throws it for me.
It is A LOT of fun.
I'll take a photo of it to show you. You'll be SOOOOOOO jealous.
Tummy rub wake me up!
Well - I'll just have to show you the vid for this when I get a chance to upload it.
I have got HIM eating out of my hand.
Or rather coming down first thing in the morning and doing just exactly what I want - giving me attention.
Other dogs - look and learn!
Bella out.
Time to have another nice mid morning nap before he gets home to bother me.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
My new favourite thing!
Well - as it's been a while I thought I should show you my new favourite thing.
I think it might be magic.
It's certainly a lot of fun.
I think it might be magic.
It's certainly a lot of fun.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
As I get better HE has started to take me outside for walks.
OH MY GOD - how much fun is that!
Even better than a treat and that is saying something.
The vet said I would be okay to get out but to keep me away from sniffy distance of other dogs till the end of this week. So we started out by going round the block. I was quite tired after such serious pounding of the pavement - a good 5 minutes, followed by a little bit of play in the garden. I'm not allowed to do too much as I'll get better faster with rest but it's nice to get out.
Since then we have been going on longer walks, bit by bit. HE even gave me a walk when HE came home for HIS lunch. Wicked!
We get to go in the common sometimes, but only for a bit. Yesterday we went right through the common and met HIS friend Katrina. Her house smelled catty so I though best to keep a safe distance till I have more time to assess this one. She seemed to like me though. I think she might be my friend too. And I get the feeling she might know some other doggies too. Interesting.
Then HIS friends came over to make their silly noise. Wasn't liking it or them much I have to say. They didn't seemed detered by my barking and growling. HE didn't seem too pleased with me though. I don't really know what HE wants me to do when people come into the house. I think a little bit more clearer explanation wouldn't go amiss. HE has so much to learn...
One of his friends did leave some things for me though. Maybe I shouldn't have growled at that one so much...
This morning I was a bit tired. We went for a walk but it was only a short one - I think HE could tell I wasn't 100%. Maybe HE is learning after all!
He should be home soon for Bella time. Or is that lunch time. Very confusing to distinguish when the world revolves around you.
Bella out.
Need to check out some online pet shops for toys - if only I could find his wallet. Hmmm.
OH MY GOD - how much fun is that!
Even better than a treat and that is saying something.
The vet said I would be okay to get out but to keep me away from sniffy distance of other dogs till the end of this week. So we started out by going round the block. I was quite tired after such serious pounding of the pavement - a good 5 minutes, followed by a little bit of play in the garden. I'm not allowed to do too much as I'll get better faster with rest but it's nice to get out.
Since then we have been going on longer walks, bit by bit. HE even gave me a walk when HE came home for HIS lunch. Wicked!
We get to go in the common sometimes, but only for a bit. Yesterday we went right through the common and met HIS friend Katrina. Her house smelled catty so I though best to keep a safe distance till I have more time to assess this one. She seemed to like me though. I think she might be my friend too. And I get the feeling she might know some other doggies too. Interesting.
Then HIS friends came over to make their silly noise. Wasn't liking it or them much I have to say. They didn't seemed detered by my barking and growling. HE didn't seem too pleased with me though. I don't really know what HE wants me to do when people come into the house. I think a little bit more clearer explanation wouldn't go amiss. HE has so much to learn...
One of his friends did leave some things for me though. Maybe I shouldn't have growled at that one so much...
This morning I was a bit tired. We went for a walk but it was only a short one - I think HE could tell I wasn't 100%. Maybe HE is learning after all!
He should be home soon for Bella time. Or is that lunch time. Very confusing to distinguish when the world revolves around you.
Bella out.
Need to check out some online pet shops for toys - if only I could find his wallet. Hmmm.
The V word
HE took me to the vets last week.
I guess it wasn't so bad. I got to go in the car. I like that A LOT!
And then we had a little walk around town. He was very proud to be showing me off. Though we still had to keep clear of other dogs. Didn't see any about though so it was all fine.
Then I went in to the vets (Feldon) and the ladies on reception were very nice. They looked at me and said how lovely I was looking. Then something about being a big girl and HE made me sit on this big metal thing. Forty Two and a half kilos whatever that means. Probably just about exactly right I'd guess. Though they did say something about weight watchers. Hmmm. Have to watch that one...
Then I went into this little room at the back and this lovely lady had a really good look at me. She said I had lovely teeth, and fur, and eyes. Just thought I was all over gorgeous really. Well obviously!
Then she had a listen to my tummy and checked under my mouth - said something about glands up and needing more antibiotics. Not a big fan of them, though HE does put them in little bits of sausage thinking I don't know what HE is up to. HE is sooo dumb!
I can hardly bring myself to recount it.
Really, it shouldn't happen to a lady.
He said something about scooting, and I knew I was for it when she got some rubber gloves and cotton wool. I didn't like that one bit but she said it would empty some sacs somewhere near my bottom. Oh the memory...
But then she gave me a couple of doggy biscuit things so I decided to forget all about her indiscretion.
I decided to stay close to HIM after that. A little shaken by the experience but okay. She said she thought I might be a bit younger than they had said at the Doggy prison home thing, maybe 3 or 4 even. Still a big girl though. In every way!!! Ha ha.
Then we had a little walk back to the car and a drive round back to home.
Very eventful little trip for little old me!
Bella out.
Snoring to do...
I guess it wasn't so bad. I got to go in the car. I like that A LOT!
And then we had a little walk around town. He was very proud to be showing me off. Though we still had to keep clear of other dogs. Didn't see any about though so it was all fine.
Then I went in to the vets (Feldon) and the ladies on reception were very nice. They looked at me and said how lovely I was looking. Then something about being a big girl and HE made me sit on this big metal thing. Forty Two and a half kilos whatever that means. Probably just about exactly right I'd guess. Though they did say something about weight watchers. Hmmm. Have to watch that one...
Then I went into this little room at the back and this lovely lady had a really good look at me. She said I had lovely teeth, and fur, and eyes. Just thought I was all over gorgeous really. Well obviously!
Then she had a listen to my tummy and checked under my mouth - said something about glands up and needing more antibiotics. Not a big fan of them, though HE does put them in little bits of sausage thinking I don't know what HE is up to. HE is sooo dumb!
I can hardly bring myself to recount it.
Really, it shouldn't happen to a lady.
He said something about scooting, and I knew I was for it when she got some rubber gloves and cotton wool. I didn't like that one bit but she said it would empty some sacs somewhere near my bottom. Oh the memory...
But then she gave me a couple of doggy biscuit things so I decided to forget all about her indiscretion.
I decided to stay close to HIM after that. A little shaken by the experience but okay. She said she thought I might be a bit younger than they had said at the Doggy prison home thing, maybe 3 or 4 even. Still a big girl though. In every way!!! Ha ha.
Then we had a little walk back to the car and a drive round back to home.
Very eventful little trip for little old me!
Bella out.
Snoring to do...
Monday, May 21, 2007
I'm in trouble
Uh oh. I think I might be in trouble.
Despite being exceedingly cute all week, and getting my kennel cough much better (okay - maybe I've been a bit sneazy and snotty), I think HE is a bit angry with me today.
I think I might have relieved myself somewhere he didn't want me to. Well quite frankly HE could have told me before I went - I was trying to make it obvious I needed to go. He can be so stupid. So there I was doing as nature intended and HE rushed over to me and took me outside. And HE shut me out there for ten minutes! So mean.
When I came back there was quite a fresh smell around the wooden floor. Not sure what that means.
But HE's been a bit grumpy ever since.
I hope this cough goes soon, I'd really like to go out for a proper walk. I think it'd be fun to have a proper sniff and stuff. I'd probably be good and wee where I'm meant to if I got to go out. HIS garden is soooo boring now.
Bella out.
Got to spend a while perfect my cute puppy dog eyes look before HE gets back...
Despite being exceedingly cute all week, and getting my kennel cough much better (okay - maybe I've been a bit sneazy and snotty), I think HE is a bit angry with me today.
I think I might have relieved myself somewhere he didn't want me to. Well quite frankly HE could have told me before I went - I was trying to make it obvious I needed to go. He can be so stupid. So there I was doing as nature intended and HE rushed over to me and took me outside. And HE shut me out there for ten minutes! So mean.
When I came back there was quite a fresh smell around the wooden floor. Not sure what that means.
But HE's been a bit grumpy ever since.
I hope this cough goes soon, I'd really like to go out for a proper walk. I think it'd be fun to have a proper sniff and stuff. I'd probably be good and wee where I'm meant to if I got to go out. HIS garden is soooo boring now.
Bella out.
Got to spend a while perfect my cute puppy dog eyes look before HE gets back...
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Lunch times no. 1
HE's just been back. I was having a little kip. It was nice to see HIM. HE pretended to be cool and not give much attention straight off but I knew he was busting to fuss me. So I played along.
And lo and behold - HE gave the fuss up like the big softie HE is!
Ha ha. I've got HIM just were I want HIM.
Had a nice lie down while he had some lunch (so greedy not to share you know - but that's HIM all over) and watched House. HE seems to like US drama though I don't think HE's realised that it riffs off Sherlock Holmes yet! Dummy!!! It's sooooo obvious. I mean - House/Holmes. Duh.
Bella out.
Kongs to chew and get surprised at when food come out...
Just hanging about
Hi there.
Been having a nice couple of days.
Cough is still happening but seems to be getting better. I'm starting to get the hang of going outside when I need to bring stuff up, but a girl can't help the odd bile'y stain on the carpet - it was full of marks already anyway!
HE seems very pleased I'm house trained - I'm not an animal you know - and I'm petty happy just sitting on the nice blanket THEY bought me. I think I prefer that to my box but they are both fine. HE keeps me in the kitchen when HE goes out and at night. I think HE is worried about the cough. To be honest I'm fine once I have settled down. I'll sleep in my bed and chill till he comes back. HE always seems very pleased to see me, so it's only fair to be excited back. Does make me a bit coughy though...
HE's been popping out lots - I think he is worried I'll be upset on my own. It's fine - as long as it's not for too long. Nice to have a kip without all that bother and fussing, and grooming and stroking...
HE's going to take a bit more training that's for sure.
I saw HE had got me a nice new dog tag to replace the temporary one I got from the prison. Silly thing forgot to put it on me though so I'm stuck with the second rate plastic disc today. I shall have words with him when HE gets back.
HE had some friends round last night - they seemed nice. They fussed me a lot - especially one they called Mark. And then they did something a bit strange. They picked up these things that looked like big sticks and this noise started. It wasn't too bad I guess. Not too loud - I just stayed on my rug and kept an eye on what they were getting up to. Nothing too naughty. After about half an hour they all came back over and fussed me a bit more which was nice. Then they went back over and more noise started but I needed a toilet stop so I went over to HIM to let me out. Now I know the back door was open and I could have gone myself but it's nice to have company when it is getting dark. You never know what smells might be out there. So we did that and came back in.
They did the noise thing again. I thought they needed closer supervision so I came over and sniffed them for a while and then had a lie down next to HIM and Mark. They all called HIM Leighton - maybe that's HIS name. I prefer HE.
He was faffing about a lot this morning - HE seemed to be getting ready for something called work. So I thought I'd blog a bit while HE isn't around to bother me. I suspect HE'll be back soon to check up on me...
Bella out.
Sleeping to be done...
Monday, May 14, 2007
I'm home
Boy have I got a lot to tell you.
I caught the cough again on Friday - stupid coughy dogs in the cell next to me I bet. Honestly - some of them are such a pain. I really don't like the cough. Or should I say cough up (flem/food/water/bile).
But anyway.
Remember HIM. Well HE came back on Saturday with HER. I have to admit I wasn't expecting much to happen as it was almost the end of the day. Then one of my careers came over and brought me out! HE and HER were talking to the lady at the desk about lots of stuff.
From what I can remember THEY were talking about the cough - it's okay so long as I am kept away from other dogs (boo) 'cos it's a bit contagious - whatever that means. And that ment that despite me being a bit poorly HE and HER could take me home. That got me kind of excited! Then THEY got out some papers and other stuff. And then THEY got this body harness. THEY had to keep getting bigger ones out as THEY thought I might not be able to squeeze into the smaller ones. I don't know what THEY ment!
Anyway, I got taken to HIS car. IT'S SO SMALL! What was HE thinking. I need space in my wagon. But I guess it wasn't so bad. I liked being in the car. I was on the back seat next to HER. Lots of smells and things to see. Very exciting.
And then THEY got me home. It looked like a very nice place. HE went ahead and put some stuff indoors. Then when HE came back the man from next door came over to say hello. While HE and HE and HER were talking the house door blew shut. I mean really. How stupid is HE! HE locked me out of the house before I even got to go in it. Duh!!!
Well Mr Stupid sorted it out eventually but really - I think I better go easy on HIM. I don't think HE can cope with too much at once.
Anyway THEY got me inside and I had a good sniff around inside, and then out in the garden. And THEY sat outside with me for a while. I was a bit coughy though. And brought up quite a lot of flem. THEY looked pretty worried about it - I think THEY thought it was worse then it really was. THEY kept refering to these bits of paper and books - I think THEY have got a lot to learn!
I think THEY are trying to train me by getting me clam down before THEY give me any food or fuss. Oh well - THEY can try.
Well - that evening was a bit rough - lots of coughing (and cleaning up). I think THEY prefer me to bring stuff up outside or on the shiny floor in the kitchen. But sometimes it just happens on the carpet. A girl can't help it.
He likes to brush me a lot. I quite like it. I think it will make me look even more pretty than usual!
Didn't have a very good night the first night.
I was coughing a lot. THEY didn't come down but I could tell THEY could hear me and didn't sleep very well either! Silly pair. I was fine.
THEY came down in the morning (pretty early actually - I don't think THEY could sleep!) and SHE took me into the garden and HE cleared up the kitchen bit. I had some food and decided I like to sit on the rug THEY put down in the sitting room. I think THEY got it just for me. I think I like it more than my bed but I don't reckon THEY'll let me sleep there over night. THEY are so mean!
I had a day of coughing and flemming really, though I liked it when HE took me out into the garden. I didn't get out much in the prison - even though the careers were so lovely to me.
THEY shut me into the kitchen area when THEY went out for a little bit - I think THEY might want me to get used to that. I guess it's okay to have a safe place to stay when THEY are out. And my beds not too bad. There is a nice blanket in it!
And that's it really. Some fussing, some coughing. THEY are doing THEIR best really. I have some nice things to chew - a rope thing I might have destroyed, a lovely blue ball, and a kong - HE puts food in it when he leaves me. I think it's to distract me but I'm on to that game. I think there is going to be a bit more coughing to go before I get better. But things are going in the right direction.
THEY left some paper down in the kitchen and I didn't make as much mess last night. Then HE appeared and let me out. I think SHE might have gone straight to work 'cos I didn't get to see HER this morning. SHE's nice though but I think there must be something wrong with HER sense of smell as she keeps calling me a bit smelly. I smell lovely! Obviously!
And then I had another walk round the garden and then chilling out with HIM. He's taken the day off work to settle me in HE says. HE works close so HE'll be able to keep coming back but to be honest I think I might just have nice long kips. There's only so much a girl can do.
Had a little bit of an accident just now. Brought up some yellowy green stuff on the carpet before I got outside. I think HE thought it was special as HE was putting some stuff on it that HE hasn't used before - don't know what that was all about...
And THEY keep giving me these pink things that look a bit like pills. Don't like them one bit. Though I can't always tell when THEY put them in cheese. I like cheese. Very much.
So that's it.
Bella out.
Need a snooze after such a big blogging...
I caught the cough again on Friday - stupid coughy dogs in the cell next to me I bet. Honestly - some of them are such a pain. I really don't like the cough. Or should I say cough up (flem/food/water/bile).
But anyway.
Remember HIM. Well HE came back on Saturday with HER. I have to admit I wasn't expecting much to happen as it was almost the end of the day. Then one of my careers came over and brought me out! HE and HER were talking to the lady at the desk about lots of stuff.
From what I can remember THEY were talking about the cough - it's okay so long as I am kept away from other dogs (boo) 'cos it's a bit contagious - whatever that means. And that ment that despite me being a bit poorly HE and HER could take me home. That got me kind of excited! Then THEY got out some papers and other stuff. And then THEY got this body harness. THEY had to keep getting bigger ones out as THEY thought I might not be able to squeeze into the smaller ones. I don't know what THEY ment!
Anyway, I got taken to HIS car. IT'S SO SMALL! What was HE thinking. I need space in my wagon. But I guess it wasn't so bad. I liked being in the car. I was on the back seat next to HER. Lots of smells and things to see. Very exciting.
And then THEY got me home. It looked like a very nice place. HE went ahead and put some stuff indoors. Then when HE came back the man from next door came over to say hello. While HE and HE and HER were talking the house door blew shut. I mean really. How stupid is HE! HE locked me out of the house before I even got to go in it. Duh!!!
Well Mr Stupid sorted it out eventually but really - I think I better go easy on HIM. I don't think HE can cope with too much at once.
Anyway THEY got me inside and I had a good sniff around inside, and then out in the garden. And THEY sat outside with me for a while. I was a bit coughy though. And brought up quite a lot of flem. THEY looked pretty worried about it - I think THEY thought it was worse then it really was. THEY kept refering to these bits of paper and books - I think THEY have got a lot to learn!
I think THEY are trying to train me by getting me clam down before THEY give me any food or fuss. Oh well - THEY can try.
Well - that evening was a bit rough - lots of coughing (and cleaning up). I think THEY prefer me to bring stuff up outside or on the shiny floor in the kitchen. But sometimes it just happens on the carpet. A girl can't help it.
He likes to brush me a lot. I quite like it. I think it will make me look even more pretty than usual!
Didn't have a very good night the first night.
I was coughing a lot. THEY didn't come down but I could tell THEY could hear me and didn't sleep very well either! Silly pair. I was fine.
THEY came down in the morning (pretty early actually - I don't think THEY could sleep!) and SHE took me into the garden and HE cleared up the kitchen bit. I had some food and decided I like to sit on the rug THEY put down in the sitting room. I think THEY got it just for me. I think I like it more than my bed but I don't reckon THEY'll let me sleep there over night. THEY are so mean!
I had a day of coughing and flemming really, though I liked it when HE took me out into the garden. I didn't get out much in the prison - even though the careers were so lovely to me.
THEY shut me into the kitchen area when THEY went out for a little bit - I think THEY might want me to get used to that. I guess it's okay to have a safe place to stay when THEY are out. And my beds not too bad. There is a nice blanket in it!
And that's it really. Some fussing, some coughing. THEY are doing THEIR best really. I have some nice things to chew - a rope thing I might have destroyed, a lovely blue ball, and a kong - HE puts food in it when he leaves me. I think it's to distract me but I'm on to that game. I think there is going to be a bit more coughing to go before I get better. But things are going in the right direction.
THEY left some paper down in the kitchen and I didn't make as much mess last night. Then HE appeared and let me out. I think SHE might have gone straight to work 'cos I didn't get to see HER this morning. SHE's nice though but I think there must be something wrong with HER sense of smell as she keeps calling me a bit smelly. I smell lovely! Obviously!
And then I had another walk round the garden and then chilling out with HIM. He's taken the day off work to settle me in HE says. HE works close so HE'll be able to keep coming back but to be honest I think I might just have nice long kips. There's only so much a girl can do.
Had a little bit of an accident just now. Brought up some yellowy green stuff on the carpet before I got outside. I think HE thought it was special as HE was putting some stuff on it that HE hasn't used before - don't know what that was all about...
And THEY keep giving me these pink things that look a bit like pills. Don't like them one bit. Though I can't always tell when THEY put them in cheese. I like cheese. Very much.
So that's it.
Bella out.
Need a snooze after such a big blogging...
Friday, May 11, 2007
Exciting news
Guess what - I just heard one of my carers on the phone. Now unless my doggy supersenses are much mistaken, I think someone might be coming to take me home at the weekend.
Woof woof.
I wonder if it was HIM.
I guess that would be quite nice. So long as he has lots of nice things for me in my new home. He better get busy...
Bella out.
Nap time...
Woof woof.
I wonder if it was HIM.
I guess that would be quite nice. So long as he has lots of nice things for me in my new home. He better get busy...
Bella out.
Nap time...
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Hi there,
This is my first post and it has got to cover a very exciting week!
I'd been hauled up in isolation at the Dog's Trust in Honiley for a while with a bit of a cough so I wasn't getting much company.
Then these humans came along and wanted to say hello.
SHE was nice, but HIM - well I had a sniff and quite frankly didn't like the smell. So I gave HIM a good bark - nothing less than HE deserved.
HE didn't seem to want to go away though. So I thought I'd give HIM another chance. No good - HE still needed barking at.
Went and had a sit next to HER. SHE liked to fuss me a bit so SHE can't be completely dumb. HIM though. Hmmph.
They were talking to my carer about my weight - so rude. They seemed to be suggesting that I might be a little bit on the plump side. Nothing wrong with 42 kilos - a girls got to eat. Not my fault I've not had much exercise in the past, and those treats are soooo tasty. And anyway I'd be wasting away at 30 kilos. Stupid humans!
They all left my kennel for a bit then my carer came back with a lead and a handful of what looked a lot like treaty things. How exciting! And then HE came back in. HE walked me round my enclosure for a bit, and gave me some treats.
I guess HE's not so bad after all so I thought I'd let HIM give me a little bit of attention - you have to reward these humans when they do things right you know. And HE seemed to like it. Clever human.
And then they went away muttering something about fence checks, pre-adoption talks, reserving and procedures.
Cough must have been getting better as I got moved out of the prison kennels the other day. I'm not sure why but there seems to be a lot of excitement in this new area. Hmmm.
And then yesterday HE came back. I pretended not to be too excited to see HIM. You cant set false expectations for these Humans - they are simple things and it wouldn't be fair.
We went to the meet and great area and HE took me for a nice walk. I thought I better test HIM out so I pulled quite hard on the lead. HE seemed fairly sturdy though I don't think HE's ever had to deal with as much lady as me before - ha ha.
And then HE ran with me up and down the area. Well, that was a LOT of fun, but probably as much exercise as any dog would want (nothing to do with being a little bit unfit you know - really). So I thought I would lead HIM back to the gate.
HE took me round to reception via lots of good sniffing areas and was talking to all the lovely humans who work there about me.
They all like me very much - I can tell from all the attention and food. What more could a girl ask for? Well - more food really but they seem to keep using this funny "diet" word. Weird lot humans...
Anyway - back to HIM. HE seemed to like me a lot too. I guess HE's not so bad. I get the feeling I shall be seeing more of HIM soon...
Bella out.
Sleeping and barking and eating and barking and sniffing and barking to do...
This is my first post and it has got to cover a very exciting week!
I'd been hauled up in isolation at the Dog's Trust in Honiley for a while with a bit of a cough so I wasn't getting much company.
Then these humans came along and wanted to say hello.
SHE was nice, but HIM - well I had a sniff and quite frankly didn't like the smell. So I gave HIM a good bark - nothing less than HE deserved.
HE didn't seem to want to go away though. So I thought I'd give HIM another chance. No good - HE still needed barking at.
Went and had a sit next to HER. SHE liked to fuss me a bit so SHE can't be completely dumb. HIM though. Hmmph.
They were talking to my carer about my weight - so rude. They seemed to be suggesting that I might be a little bit on the plump side. Nothing wrong with 42 kilos - a girls got to eat. Not my fault I've not had much exercise in the past, and those treats are soooo tasty. And anyway I'd be wasting away at 30 kilos. Stupid humans!
They all left my kennel for a bit then my carer came back with a lead and a handful of what looked a lot like treaty things. How exciting! And then HE came back in. HE walked me round my enclosure for a bit, and gave me some treats.
I guess HE's not so bad after all so I thought I'd let HIM give me a little bit of attention - you have to reward these humans when they do things right you know. And HE seemed to like it. Clever human.
And then they went away muttering something about fence checks, pre-adoption talks, reserving and procedures.
Cough must have been getting better as I got moved out of the prison kennels the other day. I'm not sure why but there seems to be a lot of excitement in this new area. Hmmm.
And then yesterday HE came back. I pretended not to be too excited to see HIM. You cant set false expectations for these Humans - they are simple things and it wouldn't be fair.
We went to the meet and great area and HE took me for a nice walk. I thought I better test HIM out so I pulled quite hard on the lead. HE seemed fairly sturdy though I don't think HE's ever had to deal with as much lady as me before - ha ha.
And then HE ran with me up and down the area. Well, that was a LOT of fun, but probably as much exercise as any dog would want (nothing to do with being a little bit unfit you know - really). So I thought I would lead HIM back to the gate.
HE took me round to reception via lots of good sniffing areas and was talking to all the lovely humans who work there about me.
They all like me very much - I can tell from all the attention and food. What more could a girl ask for? Well - more food really but they seem to keep using this funny "diet" word. Weird lot humans...
Anyway - back to HIM. HE seemed to like me a lot too. I guess HE's not so bad. I get the feeling I shall be seeing more of HIM soon...
Bella out.
Sleeping and barking and eating and barking and sniffing and barking to do...
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